Comments on: My Favorite Tip For Calming Tantrums Simple hands on activities for busy parents. Wed, 10 Feb 2021 05:25:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kristina Wed, 10 Feb 2021 05:25:16 +0000 #comment-8313 In reply to Lindsay.

So glad it has been helpful for you!

By: Lindsay Tue, 02 Feb 2021 02:15:32 +0000 #comment-8306 I frantically searched the internet for advice after our son had another tatrum at dinner tonight. I’m so thankful I found this and the article you wrote on throwing.

My husband and I have been consistent about asking for the behavior/action we want to see but we’ve also been giving an emotional response, which our son has been using to his advantage.

I appreciate ALL the techniques in both articles, especially that you get down to your daughters eye level when talking with her. That is just as important as the words you actually say. You’re doing a great job Mom! Thanks for your help!

By: Kristina Wed, 02 Sep 2020 07:07:21 +0000 #comment-8084 In reply to Tere.

So glad you found the article helpful and are in agreement! 🙂

By: Tere Mon, 17 Aug 2020 14:46:31 +0000 #comment-8065 I think every single parent out there should read this article.

Thank you so much for sharing!

Our 4 year old was diagnosed with high-functioning autism a few years ago, and after much studying and therapy guidance, we found out that what works the best is always acknowledging his feelings, even when we don’t have any intention of giving in to his demands.

He usually calms down fairly quick, but when we started acknowledging his feelings it was almost instantaneous. He feels validated, he knows that it’s ok to be angry or frustrated, and he’s learning how to deal with those emotions.

We don’t believe in repressing feelings as if they were a bad thing, but instead we use them to empower our son and help him achieve his goals.

Thanks again!


By: Marko @ Wed, 12 Apr 2017 16:20:42 +0000 #comment-2470 No matter how long your baby cries, you should never give in to unreasonable demands or try to talk to the screaming toddler. Of course, tantrums are never a pretty sight and if you find yourself getting frustrated, step out of the room and return after the child cools down.
When the storm subsides, talk about what happened and how your child can get better results by talking things over other than crying. If your child is older, you can teach them to observe themselves and become a better person.

By: Unknown Mon, 21 Nov 2016 20:41:04 +0000 #comment-2469 Great information. My grandson is 3 years and has started this throwing everything in his path thing when I say NO to something he wants. It seems like he is in a zone and I cannot get through and then after a few minutes he comes out of it and just starts watching TV or doing something. My daughter said he has started throwing toys at her recently so I think we will try to and see what his frustration is and be consistent with him. He has a sibling on the way so this will be challenging. Savannah Baker is right, we need to give them a break., They handle alot these days that I never had to deal with as a child. Thanks so much.

By: Unknown Fri, 15 Jul 2016 14:51:18 +0000 #comment-2468 Wow, I feel like I just found a gem of the internet. Seriously, what great advice!! Treating our children like humans, who have feelings and emotions, is so very important yet so often forgotten. Many parents treat their child's tantrum like a dramatic outburst (which it kind of is) but fail to understand that toddlers are only beginning to understand their own feelings. I have dramatic outbursts all the time and I'm 23 haha, kids deserve a little slack. Thanks so much for sharing! <3

By: Chelsea Cox Wed, 13 Apr 2016 20:45:30 +0000 #comment-2467 This is a great piece of information. I went to a foster parent training class on this subject. I have found it really works for any age. People and children just really want someone to listen, not fix it.

By: Anonymous Mon, 22 Feb 2016 21:38:40 +0000 #comment-2466 Wow, I needed to read this today! Wish I had read it like two years ago or so. My eldest is four and we struggle with tantrums all the time, sometimes I am good and acknowledge his feelings and the tantrums stop for a while, most times I get frustrated, I struggle with tantrums myself apparently, and yell at him or spank. I am not the best parent but not the worst either. I think what is so great about your article is really that it isn't about your child's reaction and changing it, is my reaction and changing that! Good advice.

By: Samantha Roberts Tue, 02 Feb 2016 23:36:29 +0000 #comment-2465 I've been having issues with my kids and tantrums as well. It is definitely hard to keep a peaceful mindset when you have one or more kids screaming and crying for, what you think, is not a good enough reason. I actually just wrote a blog about this very thing. It's called "Dealing With Tantrums And Fussy Kids" on Hope it will also help your readers!
