What are the best fine motor tools for kids? These are a few of my “go to” fine motor tools for preschoolers!
- Why are fine motor skills important?
- What are the best fine motor tools for preschoolers?
- Fine Motor Tools for Preschoolers
- Squeeze bottles
- Droppers or Pipettes
- Turkey Basters
- Stickers
- Markers
- Pipe cleaners
- Scissor Scoops
- Mallets
- Spray Bottles
- Kid Safe Knife
- Chalk
- Playdough Tools
- How can I help my preschooler with fine motor skills?
- More Fine Motor Tools
Why are fine motor skills important?
Fine motor skills activities help kids strengthen the small muscles that control kid’s hands, fingers, and thumbs. Strong muscles help kids do things like feeding themselves, grasping toys, buttoning and zipping clothes, writing, drawing, and more!
What are the best fine motor tools for preschoolers?
Here are some of my favorite tools to add into play to help kids build strong fingers muscles and have fun at the same time!🙌
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- Squeeze bottles
- Droppers or Pipettes
- Turkey basters
- Stickers
- Markers (and other writing tools)
- Pipe cleaners
- Scissor scoops
- Mallets
- Spray bottles
- Kid safe knife
- Chalk
- Playdough tools
Fine Motor Tools for Preschoolers
Check out these fine motor tools below along with a few ways that kids can use them!
Squeeze bottles
Who knew that condiment bottles could provide entertainment for HOURS? These are so much fun to use indoors, outdoors, in the bath/shower, and more- especially for sensory play activities!
Easy idea: Try a Squeeze Bottle Car Wash
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Droppers or Pipettes
Jumbo droppers and pipettes are great for building strong finger muscles! These are especially to use for simple science activities.
Easy idea: Make some Fizzy Rocks
Turkey Basters
Turkey basters are the coolest tools! You can grab them for super cheap at the Dollar Store. We love to use these for water and science activities. They help kids build grip strength!
Easy Idea: Try a Giant Fizzy Bin
There are so many different ways to use stickers to create and play! Gem Stickers are our favorites but any stickers are awesome for fine motor skill building!
Easy Idea: Try making mermaids or decorating flowers.
This pack of Crayola markers is my favorite. I also love this giant marker pack for when I'm teaching big classes of kids.
Easy idea: Make some paper towel art or
Pipe cleaners
Pipe cleaners are fun to bend and play with! You can also use them for simple crafts and activities. My kids love making beaded bracelets with pipe cleaners.
Easy Idea: Colorful Rainbow Hair Pipe Cleaner Activity
Scissor Scoops
These scissor scoops are the coolest fine motor tool. They help kids build their finger strength and get ready for cutting! I also love these handy scoopers are fun too.
Easy Idea: Try a cornmeal sensory bin
These mini hammers (actually mallets) are one of our favorite tools for play and creating! They can be used in so many ways!
Easy Idea: Hammer Golf Tees
Spray Bottles
Spray Bottles can be used for art, science, and play! Pressing on the spray bottle helps fingers get stronger and more prepared for other important skills like zipping, squeezing scissors, and more.
Easy Idea: Spray Art
Kid Safe Knife
Getting kids involved with cutting food to help with meal prep came be a game changer! Not only does using a kid safe knife help build fine motor skills, but also often helps kids try more food. kids Kid safe knife
Easy Idea: Cut strawberries.
Chalk is excellent for little fingers, whether it's big or small. Big chalk can help kids work on their grip and hand strength while tiny pieces of chalk can help kids develop their pincer grasp and helping them grip things correctly.
Easy Idea: Make chalk fireworks
Playdough Tools
Having the right Playdough tools can make the whole playdough experience even more fun! These tools are the ones kids always grab first, especially the wheel cutters.
Easy Idea: Make homemade playdough and play with these tools!
How can I help my preschooler with fine motor skills?
The easiest way to get started helping your preschooler with their fine motor skills is to encourage them to PLAY! Children develop their fine motor skills as they play with toys, build with blocks, play with puzzles, and more.
Next, add some of the fine motor tools listed above into your child's play! You don't need all of them. Just pick a few you already have and get started.
More Fine Motor Tools
Do you have any other favorite fine motor tools that your kids love to use for play and creating? Share them below!
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