Join us for a weekly challenge of doing activities with the kids!
We've hosted LEGO week and a Toddler Olympics series and we have a few other Camp Mom activities ahead... but this week we are putting them on hold and doing a 7-day activities challenge.
Scroll down for more details.
Summer is my favorite and least favorite time of the year. It is my favorite because I love having my kids all to myself. It is my least favorite because I have high expectations that I am going to spend a lot of time with my kids having fun... but sometimes I am overwhelmed when they are all home and needing me (and the chaos related to that), so instead I feel frazzled and we do nothing and I get annoyed.
Sometimes it is hard to enjoy the moments I do have with my kids. Does that ever happen to you?
I finally figured out a few reasons why I can't always enjoy the time with my kids. There are actually three main reasons. Do any of these sound familiar?
1 - I don't know what to do and the kid craziness makes it impossible for me to think of anything.
2 - I don't have a 'reason' to make myself do it.
3 - I don't have the right supplies on hand to do what we want to do.
Is it the same for you?? Have any other reasons?
While I could just wing it and see what happens (because that is still fun) -- I like to have some sort of plan most of the time! It keeps me sane in the midst of summer craziness.
Fortunately I found a solution -- a way to kick-start fun with my kids! Hopefully you find it useful too.
Join this 7-Day Activity Challenge by Hands On As We Grow of super fun activities for the kids!
Jamie of Hands On As We Grow, is great at simplifying activities down so they’re SO easy to do that you have no reason not to do them. She also makes sure to use supplies that you have in your home, so there’s no time wasted running to the store getting the things you need. She is also a creative and fun mom! I'm excited to try out here challenge.
Once you’ve done the 7-Day Challenge with Jamie, try and continue the fun with your kids by making a plan for the rest of your summer! (I will have something that will help with that. But for now - be sure you join this challenge -- I’m so excited!)
Click HERE to join the 7-Day Activity Challenge!
You'll get your materials list right away and then the challenge starts on Sunday, July 17th!
I’m already signed up! So it will be fun to do this together! If you're joining in, tell me in the comments!
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